Psicosis Asociada a Alzheimer
Estado: ReclutandoA study to sssess efficacy and safety of KarXT for the treatment of psychosis associated with alzheimer’s disease (ADEPT-2).
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[email protected]
Principales Criterios de Inclusión:
- Must have completed study CN012-0026 or CN012-0027.
- Subject was aged 55 to 90 years, inclusive, at the time of enrollment into the parent CN012-0026 or CN012-0027 study.
- Can understand the nature of the study and protocol requirements and provide a signed informed consent or, if deemed not competent to provide informed consent, provide assent and the subject’s legally acceptable representative or study partner/caregiver, if local regulations allow, must provide informed consent before any study assessments are performed.
- At entry into this study, or any time during the study, if a subject needs to relocate from home or residential assisted-living facility to a nursing home facility, the Sponsor/Medical Monitor must approve the subject’s participation in the study.
- Have an identified or proxy caregiver (spends approximately 10 hours/week with the subject).
- Laboratorio:Bristol Myers Squibb
- Área Terapéutica:
- Fase del estudio:III
- Código de Estudio:CN012-0027
- Ver ensayo en Clinical Trials
- Psicomed Estudios Clínicos
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