
Estado: No Reclutando Aún

A Phase 2 Open-label, Two-cohort Study to Evaluate Patient Preference for nivolumab + relatlimab Fixed-dose Combination Subcutaneous versus nivolumab + relatlimab Fixed-dose Combination Intravenous and nivolumab Subcutaneous versus nivolumab Intravenous in Participants with Melanoma.

Para inscribirte contáctate a: [email protected]

Principales Criterios de Inclusión:

  • Must have either metastatic melanoma and have not had previous treatment for their cancer, or resected melanoma and have had the cancer removed fully with surgery no later than 12 weeks before the start of treatment and confirmed free of disease
  • Must have a low level of disability and cancer that is considered advanced for metastatic melanoma and at risk for becoming advanced (intermediate) or advanced for resected melanoma
Ciudades con sitios abiertos a enrolamiento:
  • Clínica Las Condes
  • Bradford Hill
  • Biocenter

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